• To provide health education to promote awareness of cervical cancer among Myanmar women
  • To offer early detection of cervical cancer by screening with VIA Test


Venue – CBL Medical Centre

Health Talk – 22nd Jan 2018 (from 9 AM to 11 AM) @ Meeting Hall

Speaker    Dr Khoo Kei Siong

VIA Test – from 23rd to 29th Jan 2018 (from 9 AM to 4 PM)

Counselling – from 23rd to 29th Jan 2018 (from 9 AM to 4 PM)

Target audience

Women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years old)


Online Registration

Thank you for your interest. Registration for our Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign has been closed. We hope you will be able to join us again in our future campaigns and events.

What is VIA Test? and Why?

What is VIA Test? VIA test means visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). The test involves inserting a vaginal speculum and swabbing the cervix with 3% to 5% acetic acid solution (ordinary table vinegar) before doing a cervical inspection. Normal squamous epithelium is light pink in colour and the columnar epithelium is red. Acetowhite lesion could be found in pre-cancerous lesions and can be detected even at very early stage. If the test is positive, further investigations are advised. Video Credit to Jo’s Trust



Why VIA Test? VIA test is less costly, easy to perform and highly sensitive (56% to 94%). The test result can be known once the test is finished as it does not need lab facilities. When should you do VIA Test? VIA test should not be done if you are on period. It is advised to do VIA test once a year to get 90% detection of cervical cancer at early stage.

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